From the Nurse

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While we are temporarily in the virtual mode, please remember to continue to notify the school when your child is feeling ill.  We would all like to return to Hybrid learning and eventually 100% in person as soon as possible, but it’s important we maintain a healthy environment for our students and staff to return to.  In order for this to happen, we need to know if:

Please call the main office at 515-242-8444.  If you have questions about how long to isolate, quarantine, or if your child has been exposed and is a close contact, please ask to have the nurse call you.  You can also reach out directly to Nurse Bo by School CNXT or email her at

Communication will be critical in order to reopen our schools safely and quickly; we all need to work together!

Stop the Spread of GermsHow to Protect Yourself and Others


Bo Steinhelper