What is an IB Education?

A question we often get from our students, families, and community is: “What is an IB education?”  IB stands for International Baccalaureate.  Follow the link to watch a short video about the components of an IB education, which features missions of developing inter-cultural understanding and respect:

Introduction to IB


IB Learner Profiles:

Inquirers – Curious, enthusiastic lifelong learners who ask powerful questions

Knowledgeable – Exploring locally and globally significant ideas

Thinkers – Critical, creative, and ethical decision makers

Communicators – Good listeners; Confident in more than one language

Principled – Honest, fair, and responsible

Open-Minded – Developing critical appreciation of our own cultures and the cultures of others

Caring – Committed to service of the community

Risk-Takers – Courageous, resourceful, and resilient

Balanced – Focused on well-being for ourselves and those around us

Reflective – Thoughtful, realistic, and hopeful for the future


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